Pick a Lipstick!
Have you ever noticed or feel like some lipstick colors look better on you than others? At first glance, you can't wait to try a lipstick...

Favorite Hair Products!!
First post of 2018!!! Woop Woop!! Thanks for your patience while I got over my cold. I seriously was so uninspired and just felt...

New Year's Eve!!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! I know this post was delayed and that was for a couple of reasons. First, I...

Makeup I Won't Repurchase
As a professional hair and makeup artist, I go through a lot of makeup. I am constantly trying new and different brands, and...

Favorite Drugstore Makeup
Welcome back!!! The holidays are fast, and I mean FAST approaching, but I am happy to say my Christmas shopping is DONE! Boom. Now I can...

2017 Faves !!
Hey everyone!!! Welcome back!! I know I have been a little MIA lately in lieu of Thanksgiving and lots of other projects going on (like...

Airbrush, hair brush, what brush?
Welcome back! You may have seen this blog title and wondered what it was all about. Well, basically, its about brushes. Specifically,...

A Professional Opinion...
Welcome back! It's a very windy Sunday when I'm writing this and I'm curled up next to the fire. I feel like the wind might lift me off...

Bridal Tour Time!
I don't know if any of you have been to a bridal fair or even think that sounds interesting, but for the past two years I participated in...

All Hallows Eve & Undertones
Happy almost Halloween! Here's another costume idea if you're looking for something simple and you have amazing hair like our model does...