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New Beginnings!!

Hello everyone! I want to thank each and every one of you for visiting my site! No matter what you came here for, be it curiosity, to find a stylist, or just to get some information, I appreciate every single one of you!!

I wanted to introduce you to my new website, and I am so happy with how it's turned out. I wanted to change a lot of things this year and add some information that will best serve you, my clients! Please take a second to check out some of my pages, including my client albums and my new Q & A page, where I answer a lot of questions asked frequently by my clients.

In the future, I want to try a share a blog with you each week, centered around a project or shoot I've done, and share some tips and tricks and just my general feels about my work that week. That being said, if you have any questions about anything or if there is any content you want to see, let me know and I can answer those questions in my posts! I am going to try and post consistently each Wednesday, so look for my posts each week.

This week I just wanted to introduce my website and also tell you a little about myself! I grew up in Bozeman, Montana but travelled a lot growing up. In high school I was always messing around with hair and makeup and watching tutorials on YouTube, learning as much as I could. After high school I got my Bachelor's degree in Business Management and also became a licensed cosmetologist (hair/makeup artist). I've owned my own business, Ethereal Hair & Makeup, for about three years now, and I love the work I do! I am so thankful that I found the perfect fit for my life in this job, and I honestly can never imagine doing anything else.



I am so thankful for the joy my work brings me and the joy it brings others. That is my favorite part about my work. Hair and makeup may not seem like a big deal, but to some people, just a few kind words of encouragement and a little makeup can change their whole day. I've seen my clients transform right before my eyes, and open up to me in the course of our meeting. I've seen sadness turn to joy, and while my work may seem insignificant to some, I have seen people have a renewed view of their self-worth, both inside and out, because of my work. That is what I want each of my clients to feel. I want each of them to feel special and beautiful, because it's true!

All of you, my clients, are my joy. I love working with each of you and helping you to feel your very best.. We should all feel beautiful about ourselves, and not worry about the molds the world tries to make us fit into. Who cares about those molds? Each of you is beautiful and unique in your own way, and you need to embrace it. As a makeup artist, you uniqueness is what makes my job so amazing. Working one-on-one with each client brings a new experience each day, and I love that.

I'll stop there or this blog will go on forever :) Seriously, thank you for visiting this site and reading this blog. I hope it gave you a little glimpse of who I am and what I do. If you have any questions, reach out; I'd be glad to hear from you! Until next week . . .


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